Well, here are 5 tips involving context menus that you may not know.
On thing you may not have noticed is that one item in every context menu is usually presented in bold. This is the default action that is taken when the left mouse button is used.
Tip #1: If you are ever in doubt about what will happen when you double-click on something (with the left mouse button), then use the right mouse button to bring up the context menu, and look for the item in bold.
Right-click also works with click and drag operations. Try this the next time you do a click and drag: Instead of clicking with the left mouse button, and then dragging the object, use the right mouse button. When you finished dragging (i.e. when you do the drop), a context menu will appear (a different one, specifically for dragging). This shows you all of the actions that are available for the combination of the object that you are dragging and the location you have dragged it to. Once again, the default action will be shown in bold. This is the action that normally occurs when you use the left mouse button to do the click-and-drag.
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