Firefox extensions for Google reader

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One of the tools used by bloggers are certainly the news aggregators, including the most helped by its simplicity and functionality is Google Reader. Listed here are 8 such help extensions.

AideRSS: included in the Google Reader features offered rate Aide RSS feeds you’re reading, see the rating they receive.

Better GReader: it is an all-in-one of several enhancements that are achieved through scrips of Greasemonkey like to see the article in the same feed, autosuscripciĆ³n, and some skins for the aggregator.

Feedly: also works as a home page that interacts with your Google Reader, presenting it in the activity that used to take over the aggregator.

Google Reader Notifier includes an icon in the status bar will show where the number of new feeds you have in different categories.

Google Reader Watcher: another plugin more to help the task of being the slope of the items recently updated.

GReader Comments: Lets continue the conversation from the Google Reader for those who have installed Disqus blogs

IntenseDebate in Google Reader: Extended to link from each post to the website of IntenseDebate, hub of talks.

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