For those who can't use the custom visual styles in Windows Vista SP2, download and replace these three system files (uxtheme.dll, shsvcs.dll and themeui.dll).
In Vista SP2 (16489) Uxtheme.dll hasn't changed. You can simply use the Vista SP1's patched file but Microsoft changed ThemeUI.dll and Shsvcs.dll. We need to replace all these system files for using the custom visual styles in Windows Vista SP2.
In Vista SP2 (16489) Uxtheme.dll hasn't changed. You can simply use the Vista SP1's patched file but Microsoft changed ThemeUI.dll and Shsvcs.dll. We need to replace all these system files for using the custom visual styles in Windows Vista SP2.
You can download the files from here:

How to replace these files?
1. Login as a user with Administrative privileges -or- have Administrative credentials ready (check under the keyboard for a slip of paper).
2. Navigate to %systemroot%\System32
3. Right-click uxtheme.dll and click properties.
4. Take ownership of the file and close dialogs.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for themeui.dll and shsvcs.dll
6. Right-click uxtheme.dll and click properties.
7. Give yourself (or group) Full Control permissions and close dialogs.
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for themeui.dll and shsvcs.dll.
9. Rename uxtheme.dll to uxtheme.old.
10. Rename themeui.dll to themeui.old.
11. Rename shsvcs.dll to shsvcs.old.
12. Copy patched files into %systemroot%\System32
13. Reboot (yes, this is really required)
14. Enjoy!
You can use Take Control for taking ownership of system files in Vista.
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