This post is specially for Blogger / Blogspot users . This is a very simple trick to add Stripe ads to your blog. You can see this at my Blog too.This will helps you to keep as many as referral links or any single line information at the very top.
By using this ads >
- You can add a notice informing about latest update.
- You can post your ads and double your income and tons more !
Stripe Ad is one of the fastest growing plugin for Wordpress users.Now , adding a stripe ad to the blog is pretty simple . Without an worries any user can do this if you follow the steps below :
- Go to your Dashboard and click on Edit layout
- Now press Ctrl + F on your keyboard or manually search for </b:skin>
- Just paste this code before </b:skin>
- Now , search for the <body> tag and just after the <body> tag paste following code :
<div class='alert-plain'>
Main Title/Text Here
Welcome To Exclusive Arena
<a href=''>
<b>Your Text</b></a>
- Now just click on Save Template and you are done.
Still have any problem ? Post it in the comment box and i shall be hopefully quick to reply !
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