Add a Recent Posts List after every post in your blog so that any reader reading a single post can see at the end of the post this list and then if interested may proceed.
To do this we will use your blog's feed to put a list of recent posts at the bottom of every post. First we will have to turn on the blog feed. For this go to Settings----->Site Feed---->Blog Posts Feed----->Set this to Short by clicking on the drop-down arrow then----->Save Settings. By setting this to short only a short section of your posts will be delivered to the reader who then hopefully will be intrigued enough to visit your blog to read the rest of the post. For our purpose we need only the titles of the posts so this also serves our interests. Then we need the URL of the feed. For beta blogs the RSS feed URL is :
To do this we will use your blog's feed to put a list of recent posts at the bottom of every post. First we will have to turn on the blog feed. For this go to Settings----->Site Feed---->Blog Posts Feed----->Set this to Short by clicking on the drop-down arrow then----->Save Settings. By setting this to short only a short section of your posts will be delivered to the reader who then hopefully will be intrigued enough to visit your blog to read the rest of the post. For our purpose we need only the titles of the posts so this also serves our interests. Then we need the URL of the feed. For beta blogs the RSS feed URL is :
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