10 gym-free fitness tricks

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There are plenty of activities you can easily fit into your daily routine that can help to keep you fit - try these fun alternatives for starters.

Break it down: If the idea of exercising for 30 minutes at a stretch sounds daunting, or you just can't fit it into your daily routine, break your work-outs down into 10-minute slots. They'll be just as effective.

Learn to fidget: As the Mayo Clinic scientists showed, the amount of small movements you make can be the difference between fit and fat. If you're not a fidget, teach yourself to be one. When you're doing nothing particular, try drumming your fingers, changing position, pacing up and down and tapping your feet.

Borrow a dog: Walking is easy, free and a great way to stay fit. If you need an incentive, borrow a dog or hire yourself out as a dog walker. Walking for an hour can burn more than 400 calories, depending on how fast you do it.


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