- I’ll start with the bathroom. There are no unwanted hairs in the bathroom that did not orignate from your body.
- You are not obliged to share your toothbrush/shampoo/shaving cream/razor with anyone.
- Only you leave your wet towel on the floor. This is fine for you to do. It’s your bathroom.
- There’s not an argument everytime you go out to dinner. You pay for yourself.
- (Female) You don’t have to shave your legs if you don’t want to. (Unless you’re on the prowl)
- (Male) You can leave the toilet seat up.
- Dinner with your parents isn’t as painful as it could potentially be.
- You have your blankets all to yourself.
- You can dance when you go out, you don’t have to sit down next to Mr/Miss I-Don’t-Dance, while all your friends have fun cutting loose (footloose)
- Things are where you put them. Not where someone else thought it would be better suited.
- Waxing is optional. Not strongly suggested.
- You don’t not get invited places because the inviter doesn’t want men/women there. It’s a girls/boys night, sorry.
- You can have friends of the opposite sex, without worrying about a jealous partner.
- You don’t need to travel between houses often (you save petrol)
- You get to drink without anyone telling you to stop
- You get to have your own personal dream
- You don’t have to make anything “work”
- No guilt of hurting anyone (credit Alexii)
- You can have long baths without anyone interrupting you.
- You don’t someone calling to say “You didn’t call me…”
- You can be selfish (note: you should still keep starving africa in mind)
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